Please contact us if you have any additions to this page; we know there are many resources out there!
Mommy to a Little Saint: A Facebook group for Catholic women who have experienced the loss of a young child including miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. This group exists to provide support, encouragement, and prayer as we move forward from our loss. (You must have a Facebook account to request admittance to this group.)
Present in the Pain: An online, private community run by Catholic convert Eileen Tully. The community offers connection as well as updates on healing retreats and other helpful resources to mothers who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or the loss of a child of any age.
Grieve Out Loud: A pregnancy and infant loss support network (not specifically Catholic or religious). They offer a Pen-Pal program, an online support group for grieving families, as well as a community Facebook page and a website with various resources to help support the general public.